A Modernism on the Prairie Update


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By Docomomo US/Minnesota

There have been some exciting changes at Docomomo US/MN! Our Board President, Todd Grover, has joined the National Board of Docomomo US, and we’re pleased to have him engaged at this higher level. Todd is stepping down from his local duties, and in his place, Amy Meller, an Architect at MacDonald & Mack Architects, was nominated and accepted the role of the new Minnesota Chapter President.

Amy was integral in the development, planning, and grant writing for the National Symposium in Minnesota last year, and her exceptional organizational and leadership abilities will continue the growth of this chapter.

Last month, we had a great turnout for our screening of Maison Tropicale at the University of Minnesota. The film, by director Manthia Diawara, showcases the “Maisons Tropicales” designed by architect Jean Prouve in the 1940s for use in France's African colonies as a solution to their housing shortage. The homes elicited a range of responses, from celebration in the Western art community to frustration in the African community, and the film offers many important points for discussion, assessing the legacy of Modernism and the juxtaposition of regionalist functionality and artistic value.
We have finally completed the transition to our new website, designed by Whip Smart, which includes the lectures from the 2015 Symposium; we’re planning even more updates and features in the next year. Take a look to reminisce about the 2015 Symposium and whet your appetite for the next Symposium, in June.  
Lastly, we’re developing a strategy for continuing our advocacy efforts in our local communities. We’ve reached out to local planning departments in Minneapolis and St. Paul, as well out-state organizations, and these efforts have become more fruitful as people are contacting Docomomo US/MN for assistance in understanding their Modern resources. The Board is committing time to keep developing the listing of “Places of Significance” in Minnesota. Look to the website in the next few months for an expansion and reformatting of this resource.
 Charlene Roise leads the "Rapson Revisited" tour during the Docomomo US National Sympsoium.