Boston Landmarks Commission votes to landmark City Hall


Michele Racioppi


Docomomo US staff


Advocacy, brutalism
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It's not quite official yet (still needs approval of the Mayor and City Council), but this has been a long time coming and we are thrilled to report that Boston City Hall was unanimously approved as a City of Boston landmark by the Landmarks Commission this past Tuesday. 

And perfect timing, too: perhaps by the time we are celebrating the 30th anniversaries of Docomomo US and Preserving the Recent Past at City Hall next March, it can also be a celebration of the building's official designation!

City Hall has seen recent sensitive restorations to its plaza and lobby, but this designation woud ensure that any future work on the site goes through the Landmarks Commission, helping to protect the site's historic integrity and significant architectural features.

Thank you to the Docomomo US/New England chapter and many other local advocates who have played a key role in advocating for this Brutalist icon.


Media Coverage

"Boston Landmarks Commission accepts Boston City Hall landmark designation, a major step toward its preservation," The Architect's Newspaper, December 11, 2024.