Docomomo US/Chicago is seeking nominations for its Board of Directors. They are looking for a dynamic and diverse group of people interested in leading the chapter. Docomomo is the premier international organization for the DOcumentation and COnservation of buildings, sites and neighborhoods of the MOdern MOvement. Founded in 1990, Docomomo has active chapters in over 70 countries. Docomomo US/Chicago is the regional chapter of Docomomo US, serving the greater Chicago area including Indiana and Wisconsin.
The mission of Docomomo US/Chicago is to increase awareness of the modern movement through advocacy, education, documentation and conservation. Their scope includes modern buildings, structures, sites, landscapes, and allied arts realized during the 20th Century. The chapter partners with local, regional, state and national preservation and conservation organizations to enhance public and professional appreciation of our modern built and cultural heritage. They are committed to fostering and expanding the diversity of our organization’s membership through Board representation, organizational committees and membership.
Board of Directors elections
Docomomo US/Chicago’s Nominating Committee is seeking new board members for terms beginning in September 2019. The Docomomo US/Chicago Board is an active volunteer board and its members are required to be Docomomo US members and are expected to attend and participate in monthly board meetings, working committees (e.g. programing, sponsorship, advocacy, member engagement) and local chapter events. There is no financial contribution required from Board members. Candidates should be able to demonstrate an interest in advocating for and protecting our built heritage for future generations.
Nomination instructions
Individuals interested in serving are invited to submit a 1-page letter of interest addressed to the Nominating Committee by email to
The deadline for submission of nominations is Saturday, August 3, 2019 by end of day.
A slate of proposed candidates will be voted on at the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 6:30 pm at the Cliff Dwellers Club located at 200 S Michigan Ave. 22nd Floor, Chicago. Upon the election of the new Board of Directors, the Board will approve the slate of proposed chapter officers.