Honoring the Docomomo US Longstanding Members of 2022


Michele Racioppi


Docomomo US staff


Membership, Award, Modernism in America
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When Docomomo US was created over 25 years ago, we set out to build a network of like-minded individuals to offer leadership, knowledge, and enthusiasm for the modern movement, which was little and little appreciated. We could not have envisioned the remarkable change in public attitude toward modernism we see today. That enthusiasm is due in large part to our long-standing members' dedication, interest and support in advancing the understanding of modern architecture and design.

Every year we thank and acknowledge our longstanding members in a formal way. Individuals who have been members for 10 years will receive a pin and be recognized during the Docomomo US Modernism in America Awards Ceremony. Starting this year, those who have been members for 20 years or more will also receive a pin and be recognized during the Awards Ceremony.

The members listed below have reached the milestone of being a Docomomo US member for twenty years.

20 Year Members

 Michael J. Glynn, AIA, NCARB  Robert Meckfessel, FAIA
 T. Gunny Harboe, FAIA  John Morris Dixon 
 Inge Horton  Henry Moss, AIA 
 Robert Hotes, AIA, NCARB, APT RP, LEED AP   Kate Burns Ottavino 
 Kyle Johnson  Theodore Prudon, FAIA 
 Carol H. Krinsky, Ph.D.  Kathleen Randall 

The members listed below have reached the milestone of being a Docomomo US member for ten years.

10 Year Members

 Serge Ambrose  Andrew Ludasi
 Julie Armstrong-Zwart  Charles Miller
 Christopher Bianchi  Matthew Moy
 Michael Blake  Tonia Moy
 Andrea Brizzi  Kyle C. Normandin
 Barbara A. Campagna  Diana Painter
 Erlinda Carson  Loumona Petroff
 Jerry Carson  Andrew Phillips
 Alissa Carson  David Preziosi, FAICP
 Alison Chiu  Gretchen Redden
 Doris Cole  Gladys Reiling
 John Coleman  Roger Reiling
 Emily T. Cooperman  Donna Robertson, FAIA
 James Crispino  Michelangelo Sabatino
 Steve Curry  Judith Saltzman
 Gail Fenske  Robert Sharp
 Jean Follett  Richard Shieldhouse
 Donald Friedman  Charles Sullivan
 Robert Geddes  Eugene L. Surber, FAIA
 Jack Gilmar  Ronald Swartz
 Mark Hammer  Susan Tunick
 Susanne Hand  John Wieland, Jr.
 Bill Hinchliff  John B. Williams
 John P. Klingman  Sian Winship
 John Kriskiewicz  Gary Wolf, FAIA
 LA Conservancy  Andrew Wolfram, AIA
 Jean-François Lejeune  Penny Zaleta
 Max Levy  Patricia Zedalis
   Frank Zwart


From all of us at Docomomo US, thank you for your dedication and support!

We invite you to join us for the Modernism in America Awards Ceremony on Thursday November 3rd in New York City to honor our longstanding members and celebrate the best of modernism.