October is Membership Month!


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While it might be hard to remember what the preservation field was like twenty years ago, our grassroots efforts have brought the preservation of Modern architecture into mainstream discussions. Back then, many would have called this architecture ugly, now it is featured on the front page of newspapers and in major architecture, travel and fashion magazines. These achievements have been made by the dedication of people such as yourself and our growing network of professionals, institutions, businesses and individuals. As we get ready to celebrate our 20th anniversary, renew your membership today and support our unified voice for Modern preservation.

Membership is at the heart of who we are, what we do, and accounts for approximately 75% of our annual income. Help us reach our goal to register 400 new or renewing memberships during the month of October. Those who renew or become new members this month will be entered to win* complementary registration to the 2015 National Symposium in Minnesota (June 4-6, 2015). Members will receive (1) contest entry for memberships $65 and under and (2) contest entries for memberships $100 and over. Note we have a new online membership portal that makes processing membership easier than ever before!

Please consider renewing your membership to Docomomo US today, and I thank you for your continued membership and support.


Theo Prudon

*All memberships received between 9/1/2014 and 10/31/2014 will be entered to win. Five individual National Symposium registrations will be given away. Prizes are non-transferable and do not include travel, accommodations or additional special events or tours. Winners will be notified by mail and announced in the November newsletter.