Last week, Docomomo US' efforts to landmark Kevin Roche's UN Plaza Ambassador Grill and Hotel Lobby made headlines in The New York Times calling for the protection of these high-significant yet undervalued spaces. The New York Times article calls out our Request for Evaluation (RFE) to the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) on January 8th and refers to the newly formed coalition of preservation organizations including the New York Landmarks Conservancy, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Preservation League of New York State, Historic Districts Council, Municipal Art Society in addition to independent preservationists.
Photo: Nicole Crane for The New York Times (February, 2016)
One day following The New York Times piece, Community Board Six in Manhattan passed a unanimous resolution supporting the RFE to the Landmarks Preservation Commission. CB6 calls the interiors an "iconic masterpiece" and notes in their resolution broad support by architects, critics and other preservation organizations as well as an upcoming documentary on Roche's work that will increase interest in his work including the UN Plaza Ambassador Grill and Hotel Lobby.
While these are positive developments for the UN Plaza Ambassador Grill and Hotel Lobby, the spaces have yet to be calendared for a hearing by the LPC and remain in critical danger of being lost forever. Please take a moment to sign and share our petition asking for these spaces to be heard and landmarked.
Community Board Six, Manhattan: Request for Evaluation: Ambassador Grill & Lounge and Hotel Lobby, United Nations Plaza Hotel
Link to Petition: