Eric Keune
Vice President Fundraising

Eric has an unconventional stance on design: truly new ideas are tremendously rare. Hear him out – he’s not one to abandon innovation and creativity. Instead, Eric sees our shared past as a rich source of valuable lessons. It’s no surprise, then, that he’s an accomplished architectural historian, having authored Paffard Keatinge-Clay: Modern Architecture/Modern Masters and co-authored 100 Buildings Every Architect Should Know. Informed by this broad historical knowledge, Eric’s work exists at the intersection of design, architectural history, contemporary visual arts, and state-of-the-art building technology. And, despite dozens of design awards and international acclaim, his metrics for success are simple: impact people’s lives, improve the environment, and transform contemporary society – to the benefit of all.
Eric is the founder of w.erk studio based in Lincoln, Massachusetts. A disciple and teacher of Modernism. Outside the studio he is a father, collector of antique modern furniture, books, miniature buildings as well as being a classic car enthusiast.