Bob Pullum has been an avid member of the Northern California Chapter of Docomomo US for over 10 years as both a board member and the Vice President. He’s led advocacy and marketing efforts through the years at a chapter level such as the development and management of the Docomomo NoCa website:, and is currently doing this at a national level with Docomomo US. A freelance Creative Director based in San Francisco, Bob helped grow the San Francisco office of AKQA, an award-winning digital marketing firm, from 40 to over 400. During his long tenure at AKQA, Bob led award-winning digital marketing efforts for such clients as Audi of America, Nike, Kraft, Target and Visa. His unique background extends from international recognition for his art direction for traditional art direction and design to a deep understanding of digital communication and digital product design. His work has been recognized in British Design & Art Direction, Communication Arts, The One Show, The Clios, New York Art Director’s Club, the FWA, Mashable, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity and the New York Festivals. His prior experience includes the advertising agencies Goodby Silverstein & Partners, Hal Riney & Partners, and Wieden & Kennedy.
Robert Pullum
Communications Chair/Director

San Francisco