Citation of Merit
The jury awards a Citation of Merit for the restoration of the Arboretum on the Christ Cathedral campus in Garden Grove, California. The jury notes the impressive effort to reinforce and strengthen the original structure, hide new air conditioning systems, while retaining the original design intent. Designed in 1961 by Richard Neutra as a ‘drive-in church’, the restoration included the development of a new window system to sensitively replicate the original design as well as the rehabilitation of deteriorated fountains and reflection pools, and interior finishes.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange
Restoration Team
- LPA Inc. (architect)
- Cannon Building (general contractor)
- Davis Partners/Hager Pacific Properties (construction managers)
- Lamprecht archiTEXTural (consulting architect)
How to Visit
Open to the public
13280 Chapman AvenueGarden Grove, CA, 92840