Award of Excellence
The Inventory/Survey Award of Excellence is given for Florida’s Midcentury Modern Architecture (1945-75), a survey undertaken to identify and assess Florida’s buildings and structures that qualify for the National Register of Historic Places. Fueled by unprecedented growth in the decades that followed the Second World War, Florida became an incubator for innovative and often experimental modern architecture. Despite this, very few of Florida’s midcentury modern structures have been recognized as significant and listed on the National Register. Nearly 600 buildings were recorded as part of this base-line inventory, biographies were developed for 473 architects living and practicing in Florida and over 300 companies were identified that were manufacturing building materials and systems during the period of study. A historic context statement was prepared and 50 “Flagship Structures” were identified as priorities for listing on the National Register. Public input was solicited throughout the process and a geospatially referenced database is being prepared to help map and share information with the public.
“This comprehensive statewide survey is an excellent model that conscientiously incorporates the spectrum of buildings in our cities and which should be done everywhere.”
-Alan Hess, 2020 Jury member
“The serious approach to a huge undertaking, resulting in positive outcomes for Florida’s midcentury resources is praiseworthy.”
University of Florida Historic Preservation Program, Florida Division of Historical Resources, Florida Trust for Historic Preservation
700 Radio RdGainesville, FL, 32611