Houston, we have a problem (with finding these NASA chairs)


Michele Racioppi


Docomomo US staff


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Late 1960s Steelcase Curved-Back Executive Swivel Chairs #1288 are needed for the restoration of the historic Apollo Mission Control Center at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. These swivel chairs were used at each console in the Mission Operations Control Room and adjacent support areas that are part of the National Historic Landmark currently undergoing a major restoration.

A limited amount of original console chairs remain on-site. This is a call for additional late 1960s Steelcase swivel chairs featuring steel square tube framing with a polished chrome finish; four steel legs with rubber wheels; and upholstered back, seat, and armrests. Any upholstered finish is acceptable; acquired chairs will be reupholstered with appropriate fabric matching the original grey upholstery. Single chairs or collections accepted.


The restoration will preserve and interpret the historic Mission Control Center as it appeared in July 1969 during the Apollo 11 mission. The restoration will exhibit the exact conditions in which NASA flight controllers landed the first two men on the moon from this room. The restored Mission Operations Control Room will reopen for public tours in summer 2019.

If you have any information regarding any available 1960s Steelcase swivel chairs, please contact Delaney Harris-Finch at 713-527-0186 or dharrisfinch@sternbucek.com