Public Spaces - Inside and Out

October 13, 2018


Docomomo US is excited to announce the line-up of tours and events taking place during our twelfth Tour Day. The only national event of its kind, Tour Day is an annual celebration of modern architecture and design where the public and like-minded organizations across the country participate in a tour or event on the second Saturday and throughout the month of October.


This year’s theme, "Public Spaces - Inside and Out” builds upon Docomomo US' 2018 advocacy theme and invites people everywhere to explore the innovative design concepts of common spaces set aside for public use while bringing attention to the threats facing many of these significant places. 


Read the full Tour Day 2018 recap here.



Participating Tours

Tour Day Sponsor

Tour Day 2018 is possible by a the generous support of Martie Lieberman and

Host a Tour


It's not too late to host a tour! Tour Day events can be hosted by nearly anyone interested in or with access to a significant modern building or site. Tour Day events can also be much more than just a tour. Some of the best events include pre-tour lectures, meet-and-greet with the architects and post-event receptions. Register your tour or event by filling out the form below or if you have an idea for a tour that celebrates modernism in your area and would like more information, email us at tourday(at)


Joining Tour Day: If you're interested in participating in this year's celebration, please fill out the following google form below. Additional details and information will be sent after form is received.

Past Tour Day events

Peruse through the tours of the past. You may even find places to add to your modern architecture bucket list.